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Injectafer Lawsuits

Injectafer lawsuits are cropping up all over the US, with plaintiffs alleging the prescription drug was tainted and heightened hypophosphatemia risk.


Additionally, these suits claim that while the medication has been in circulation since 2013, Injectafer producers didn’t issue an injunction until 7 years later — February 2020. Despite this late warning, plaintiffs state that the manufacturer didn’t make the caveat encompassing for medical practitioners and patients.

Injectafer Lawsuits

Injectafer lawsuits are cropping up all over the US, with plaintiffs alleging the prescription drug was tainted and heightened hypophosphatemia risk.

Additionally, these suits claim that while the medication has been in circulation since 2013, Injectafer producers didn’t issue an injunction until 7 years later — February 2020. Despite this late warning, plaintiffs state that the manufacturer didn’t make the caveat encompassing for medical practitioners and patients.

People filing suits claim that Injectafer intake gave rise to adverse physical, financial, and emotional problems. The defendants in Injectafer claims are Daiichi Sankyo, Luitpold Pharmaceuticals Inc., & American Regent Inc. 

If you’ve taken Injectafer at some point and your doctor issues a hypophosphatemia diagnosis, note that you’re eligible for compensation. 

To get started, contact an experienced lawyer to review your claim and see if you’re eligible to file a lawsuit.

What Is Injectafer?

Injectafer is a medication used to treat iron deficiency anemia effectively. This ferric carboxymaltose drug is taken intravenously in a medical institute twice within 7 days. 

Once injected, Injectafer releases iron into the patient’s bloodstream. 

Injectafer appeared in the US drug sector in 2013. This drug was developed for patients who couldn’t take iron supplements orally. 

The following are the firms behind Injectafer creation: 

  • Daiichi Sankyo and its subsidiary in the US
  • Luitpold Pharmaceutical Inc.
  • American Regent Inc.

Doctors usually prescribe Injectafer to people suffering from conditions that halt iron flow in the bloodstream. 

Notable mentions include:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)

For perspective, IDA happens when an individual’s red blood cells don’t host enough hemoglobin. 

Since hemoglobin is essential in transporting oxygen to vital bodily organs, IDA patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Pallor
  • Brittle nails
  • Shortness of breath

Injectafer and Its Connections to Hypophosphatemia

Injectafer has been heavily linked with a “life-changing” health condition – hypophosphatemia. Although HPP is a rare hereditary disease, several studies suggest that Injectafer’s primary ingredient – ferric carboxymaltose – can lead to a severe form of hypophosphatemia.

According to a 2016 study published in the PLoS One spearheaded by a top-tier scientist, Benedikt Schaefer, and some other colleagues, it was found that Injectafer intake could prompt HPP development by “20-fold” than iron isomaltoside 1000. 

The eighteen HPP cases in the scope of this research were all deemed to be life-threatening and severe. 

Only one patient who took iron isomaltoside had a less severe variant of hypophosphatemia. 

However, this wasn’t the only study that confirmed links between Injectafer and hypophosphatemia.

In 2018, a team led by Myles Wolf released a report. In their study, they discovered that 50.8% of patients that took Injectafer experienced HPP. 

The sample size for this study was 1,000. 

Conversely, only a meager 0.9% of 997 individuals that took Feraheme, also known as ferumoxytol, developed HPP-related side effects.

The mild form of hypophosphatemia doesn’t pose any symptoms. However, severe HPP can prompt a chain of life-changing health challenges or prove fatal.

Notable hypophosphatemia symptoms include:

  • Severe mental delirium
  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Respiratory failure
  • Bone softening (osteomalacia)
  • Sudden bone fractures
  • Arrhythmias
  • Heart failure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Red blood cell destruction

NOTE: Despite Injectafer’s links to hypophosphatemia, the drug’s manufacturer hasn’t added this life-changing condition to its side effect list, jeopardizing patients’ lives. 

The FDA and Its Notable Denials

When Luitpold Pharmaceutical Inc. met the FDA for Injectafer approval in 2006 and 2008, the agency denied their motions on both occasions. 


For the following reasons:

  • More patients placed in Injectafer injections rather than controls died.
  • Patients who took Injectafer experienced adverse side effects than those who ingested oral iron supplements.
  • The drug was heavily linked to hypophosphatemia.

Should You File an Injectafer Lawsuit?

Yes, you should file an Injectafer claim if you’ve had to bear the repercussions of usage. Many plaintiffs are filing lawsuits against Luitpold and the other firms involved in Injectafer production.

Filing a lawsuit against Injectafer producers makes you eligible for a settlement that’ll augment losses incurred from Injectafer usage.

Compensation from an Injectafer lawsuit can settle the following: 

  • Lessened earning ability due to mental delirium, muscular pain, and other notable hypophosphatemia symptoms.
  • Future expenses required to sort severe HPP treatment and a long-term supply of phosphate medications.
  • Loss of a business venture and other opportunities related to your profession.
  • Mental suffering and a reduced living quality due to HPP diagnosis and treatment.
  • Unearned wages due to medical appointments and admissions reduce HPP’s nagging effects. Note that earnings here include those made by a relative or loved one.
  • Losing companionship in a relationship.

Are You Eligible to File an Injectafer Lawsuit?

Most individuals “viewing” Injectafer lawsuit information on the web are usually concerned about eligibility. 

To attain eligibility for Injectafer lawsuit filing, you must have taken the medication at least once since the drug was approved for sale in the United States of America (2013) and developed severe HPP side effects.

Although these are prerequisites to file an Injectafer claim in the US successfully, only your attorney can tell if you’re qualified to facilitate a lawsuit. 

Plaintiffs with a relative who passed due to severe HPP symptoms from Injectafer usage can hire a lawyer to file a “wrongful death” lawsuit.

If you’d like to file a case, note that there are specific time limits to get that done across all US states. So, it’ll be best to hire an attorney and get them in sync with your claim before this period elapses.

Has Injectafer Been Recalled By the FDA or Drug Manufacturers?

Although several studies have come to light, linking the dreaded HPP to Injectafer use, the FDA hasn’t deemed it fit to issue a recall. The same goes for manufacturers of this drug. 

The plot thickens as the FDA recently (May 2021) gave a new Injectafer variant the “go-ahead” for distribution and sales in the US. Although the former dose featured a 1,500 mg treatment course, the new injection debuts a 1,000 mg format.

Although the FDA not recalling Injectafer might raise a few eyebrows, this regulatory body issued an injunction to Luitpold Pharmaceutical Inc. after the firm misleadingly advertised Injectafer.

In 2020, the Food and Drug Administration ordered the makers of Injectafer to revamp the existing warning on its packaging. Now, Injectafer packaging has a unique placeholder tagged “symptomatic hypophosphatemia.”

But this warning was a tad bit late as tons of individuals had developed mild to severe HPP. 

NOTE: The FDA certified Injectafer in 2013. However, there was an injunction – the medication must only be used by those who didn’t respond properly to oral iron deficiency anemia treatments.

Status of Injectafer Lawsuits: 2022 Update

People are filing Injectafer lawsuits against the makers of this intravenous drug due to its links with a condition tagged hypophosphatemia. These cases claim that the producers of Injectafer knew the drug had affiliations to HPP and didn’t issue any warning to that effect. 

The first ever Injectafer lawsuit was filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on January 18th, 2019.

Companies involved in Injectafer’s manufacturing have a legal responsibility to issue warnings about the potential side effects of using this intravenous drug. 

After these caveats are indicated, medical practitioners can gauge their risks to patients and decide if using the drug as a viable treatment format would yield favorable outcomes or prompt life-threatening health conditions. 

Although most drug companies produce medications to treat ailments, many are more bothered about their “baseline” than the consumer’s health. To ensure sales didn’t reduce, Injectafer makers covered the links between their medication and hypophosphatemia until the FDA’s 2020 order.

Injectafer lawsuits claim the manufacturers didn’t fulfill their legal duty in warning patrons about the dangers of the medication. By failing to give an HPP caveat due to intake, Injectafer producers deliberately put patrons’ lives at risk.

The goal of Injectafer lawsuits is straightforward – seek a compensation value that can sort the losses incurred from HPP development due to Injectafer usage.

Since Injectafer makers shoulder liability for a failure to warn, many people will file related lawsuits in the future. Thus, Injectafer lawsuits will most likely be consolidated into an MDL rather than a typical class action. 

This consolidation is essential as it’ll save the resources of plaintiffs featured in the litigation.

Notable Injectafer Lawsuits

  1. Many plaintiffs have filed lawsuits against the creators of Injectafer. However, some variations stand out. 

    Notable mentions include:

    Anthony Munroe and Maria

    Anthony Munroe and Maria filed an Injectafer lawsuit in January 2020. This case filing happened in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

    Maria began her Injectafer intake in 2018. She had low “phosphate levels” after she’d completed two Injectafer doses. This scenario saw her hospitalized.

    Maria now suffers from severe HPP.

    Margaret Yova and Gregory

    Margaret Yova and Gregory filed their Injectafer lawsuit in October 2020 in the Eastern Pennsylvanian District.

    Gregory took an Injectafer infusion in November 2019.

    But due to chronic HPP, he was hospitalized and hasn’t recovered fully from reduced phosphate amounts.

    As stated in the lawsuit, Gregory’s injuries include: 

    • Brain fog
    • Chest pain and heaviness
    • Severe pains in the abdomen
    • Muscle cramps and weakness
    • Debilitating bodily weakness
    • Fluctuating INR
    • Excruciating pains in the hip region

    Teresa J. Edwards

    Teresa J. Edwards facilitated her Injectafer claim back in 2021 (January). 

    She’d received 10 Injectafer infusions between 2018 to 2020.

    As stated in her claim, she suffered severe side effects accompanying hypophosphatemia, including:

    • Muscle weakness and fatigue
    • Chronic bodily fatigue
    • Extensive and serious pains

    Jose and Nereida Sanchez

    Jose and Nereida Sanchez filed a lawsuit claiming that the latter’s Injectafer injections caused her to develop a series of severe HPP side effects, including:

    • Low blood phosphate amounts that require immediate phosphate supplementation
    • Severe headache
    • Serious muscle pain and weakness
    • Joint and bone pain
    • Acute fatigue

Factors to Consider Before Hiring an Injectafer Attorney

Your Injectafer lawsuit is essential. Thus, you’ll need a lawyer to represent your interest and get positive results after the final verdict. 

Before hiring an attorney, ensure that you consider the following factors:

  • Area of Expertise

Expertise matters in legal matters. Since there are many legal branches, you’ll need to hire a lawyer who understands how medical cases work. 

With a lawyer well-versed in medical law by your side, your chances of winning your case and getting ideal compensation are on an upward trajectory.

  • Location

Legalities differ depending on the state. Thus, it’s vital that you hire a lawyer that knows the “ins and outs” of legal processes within your region. 

Hiring a legal adviser in your state goes a long way in building a close-knit relationship.

  • Costs

Before you select an Injectafer lawyer, ensure that you ask how much they’ll bill for case reviews and ultimate representation in a state or federal court.

For Injectafer cases, we strongly advise that you hire a lawyer that operates on a contingency-fee-basis.

That way, you don’t have to spend anything until you’ve received compensation from the at-fault manufacturer.

  • Availability

Imagine calling your Injectafer attorney when you seek clarification on your case and not getting an answer.

Heartbreaking, right?

Fortunately, you can nip this issue in the bud by hiring a lawyer that prioritizes patrons first, irrespective of the prevailing circumstances.

So, before you make that “hiring” decision, ensure your chosen lawyer has several contact options. Although it’s almost impossible to get a hold of an attorney 24/7, it’ll be great if you choose a lawyer with assistants to attend to your queries while they’re away.

Injectafer Lawsuits — FAQs

Is Injectafer a Safe Medication?

No. Injectafer use, while being helpful for iron building, can lead to HPP (hypophosphatemia). Although HPP is mild in several cases, patients taking Injectafer have a high chance of developing severe HPP that can effect some life-threatening symptoms.

Who Can File an Injectafer Lawsuit?

Anyone who has taken Injectafer since its approval in 2013 and has experienced hypophosphatemia can file an Injectafer lawsuit. 

Nonetheless, we recommend contacting an attorney to make the claim filing process seamless.

What Are the Expected Compensation Values in Injectafer Cases?

Settlement amounts in Injectafer claims depend on the injuries experienced by the patient due to HPP. 

A person who develops severe symptoms might be eligible for a payout worth $200,000 to $500,000.

Major Takeaway

Suppose your Injectafer infusion has seen you develop symptoms related to HPP. In that case, it’ll be best to contact an attorney immediately to seek compensation for your losses and injuries.

To avoid getting entangled in the web of legal bills, hire an attorney that operates on a contingency-fee-basis to avoid spending much until you get a settlement.

See If You Can File

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