Nationwide Report has partnered with RepairPal®, the largest trusted auto repair network for high quality and fair prices to help find a repair center near you. RepairPal brings trust and transparency to auto repair by helping millions of customers feel confident that they’re getting the best price. Since 2007, RepairPal has been providing customers with invaluable resources to care for their cars.
The RepairPal Certified Network consists of 3,000+ trusted shops and dealers nationwide that have undergone our rigorous certification process. Through this process, we can guarantee these shops are expertly staffed, trained in the latest technologies, use high-quality tools and parts, and warranty their work. Most importantly, they’re committed to fair pricing.
The RepairPal Fair Price Estimator guarantees that customers will never have to overpay for car repair again. Our Fair Price Estimates give millions of users a concrete idea of how much they can expect to pay. Best of all, our Certified Network of shops will honor these estimates.
Over 7 million sessions per month and over 3,000 of the best shops and dealers. RepairPal makes it easy to get shop information, call or book an appointment online, read reviews from verified customers and to get you back on the road safely.
RepairPal helps it's Partners, Shops, and Customers through problem solving and escalation management. They also follow through on guarantees, perform extensive shop training, and offer dedicated partner support.
I’m so happy that I found RepairPal. This site really simplifies the process of finding fair prices on parts and labor. Plus, I found a new great mechanic!
I liked the convenience of RepairPal, and knowing the cost before repair. Also, I liked the standards and expectations put in place by RepairPal; it takes all of the questions out of the process.
You certainly provide a service which allows a customer to feel more confident that they are being serviced at a reasonable price.
When your vehicle encounters unexpected issues or requires routine maintenance, finding a reputable repair center becomes a top priority. Whether it’s a strange noise, a warning light on the dashboard, or a scheduled service, you need a trusted and skilled team to restore your vehicle’s performance and ensure your safety.
Nationwide Report understands the importance of finding the right repair center, and we’re here to assist you in your search. With our partnership with RepairPal®, the largest trusted auto repair network for high quality and fair prices– this page will help you find a repair center near you. Our partnership allows us to connect you with repair centers near you that offer high-quality service at fair prices.
The RepairPal Fair Price Estimator guarantees that customers will never have to overpay for car repair again. Our Fair Price Estimates give millions of users a concrete idea of how much they can expect to pay. Best of all, our Certified Network of shops will honor these estimates.
Our partnership with RepairPal, the largest trusted auto repair network, allows us to connect you with repair centers near you that offer high-quality service at fair prices. You can rely on our network of certified shops to provide reliable repairs and honor RepairPal’s Fair Price Estimates.
A Nationwide Report Car Genius™ is staffed by RepairPal auto repair experts who provide mechanical advice and education on vehicle repairs and maintenance. They’re highly-qualified technicians that used to work in the field, and who have strong service and educational backgrounds. They’re ready to put their years of experience to work for you.
Connect with a Car Genius™ by calling 1-877-671-3040 from 9am-6pm ET, Monday through Friday.
The RepairPal Fair Price Estimator provides you with a concrete idea of how much you can expect to pay for car repairs. It takes into account factors such as your location, vehicle make and model, and the specific service needed. This ensures transparency and helps you avoid overpaying for repairs.
Yes. RepairPal’s Certified Network of shops undergoes a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet high standards of professionalism and expertise. These repair centers are committed to providing quality service and honoring RepairPal’s Fair Price Estimates, giving you peace of mind.
Our website provides a user-friendly search tool that allows you to easily locate repair centers near your location. Simply enter your zip code or city, and you’ll be provided with a list of reputable repair centers in your area that are part of the RepairPal network.
The repair centers in the RepairPal network offer a wide range of services, including routine maintenance, diagnostics, mechanical repairs, electrical repairs, and more. Whether you need a simple oil change or complex engine repair, you can trust that the certified shops in our network have the expertise to handle your needs.
RepairPal’s network includes repair centers that specialize in various makes and models of vehicles. When searching for a repair center, you can filter the results based on your vehicle’s make to find shops that have experience working with your specific brand. This ensures that you receive knowledgeable and specialized care for your vehicle. Each repair center’s page has a list of specialities that the repair outlet will take care of. As a bonus, you could also contact the phone number listed on the page to enquire about your vehicle’s specific requirements.
Yes. The RepairPal Certified Network consists of 3,000+ trusted shops and dealers nationwide that have undergone our rigorous certification process.
Yes. Reviews for each repair center are made available on the the center’s page, along with opening hours, warranty details, speciality services, amenities and other important information.
Rest assured that the repair centers in the RepairPal network work with various warranties and coverage plans. Simply inform the repair center about your warranty or coverage details when scheduling your appointment.
If your vehicle’s warranty has expired, you can still benefit from the services provided by the repair centers in the RepairPal network. Even without an active warranty, these certified shops offer affordable pricing and high-quality service to ensure your vehicle is well taken care of.
Yes, you have the flexibility to choose any repair center from the RepairPal network that is convenient for you. The network comprises a wide range of reputable and certified shops across different locations.
In the rare event that you encounter any issues with the repairs or services provided by a repair center in the RepairPal network, RepairPal offers a resolution process to address customer concerns! You can reach out to RepairPal’s customer support team, provide details of the situation, and they will work with you and the repair center to resolve any problems and ensure your satisfaction.
RepairPal highly values customer feedback and actively encourages you to share your experience with any repair center within its network. You can conveniently provide feedback and ratings directly through the RepairPal website or app, aiding fellow car owners in making informed decisions. Furthermore, leaving a review allows the repair center to evaluate and enhance its services based on valuable customer feedback.
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