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Recent Orange, CA Accident News

Nationwide Report is the internet’s most reliable source for traffic accident-related injury news and collision reports in the United States. Our content primarily includes reports of daily traffic accidents, and health and safety news for local areas across the country. We pride ourselves on our dedication towards up-to-date news, and will always go the extra mile to publish relevant and factually accurate reports in real-time for your benefit. 

Traffic Accidents in California

California accounts for a sizeable portion of the total fatal crashes across the United States. Experts opine that the leading cause of these fatal crashes must be attributed to speeding and negligent driving, including driving while impaired and distracted driving.

The California Highway Patrol has released a report of the accidents that have occurred in the state of California over 2022. They have reported that there were a total of 216,366 accidents that occurred out of which 3,854 resulted in fatalities and 165,978 of them resulted in people getting injured. We can compare these numbers to the same of the previous year and come to the following conclusions – there was a 6.5% decrease in the total number of accidents and a decrease of 5.2% in the number of fatalities while the injury accidents saw a decrease of 7.3%. 

The officials at the California Highway Patrol have also revealed a breakdown in the number of fatalities according to the causes. Out of the 3,854 fatalities:

  • 1,998 were the drivers of the vehicles involved in the accidents 
  • 723 were passengers 
  • 482 were pedestrians
  • 406 were motorcyclists
  • The remaining 245 were classified as “other” (this includes bicyclists, etc.)

They have also reported that the majority of the accidents occurred on rural roads while the rest occurred on urban roads. The causes of these accidents were mainly alcohol and speed. The officials have reported that alcohol was a contributing factor in 38% of the fatal accidents while speeding was a factor in 29% of the accidents. 

The injury accidents have also been broken down and reported. Out of the 165,978 injury accidents:

  • 95,609 were the drivers.
  • 29,543 were passengers
  • 23,116 were pedestrians 
  • 14,665 were motorcyclists 
  • The remaining 3,045 were classified as “other” (this includes bicyclists, etc.)

The majority of these accidents (58%) occurred on urban roads while the remaining 44% occurred on rural roads. Alcohol has been cited as a contributing factor in 10% of these accidents while speed was a factor in 21% of them.

The most common type of accident to have occurred in the state of California was a rear-end collision. This type of accident accounted for 27% of all accidents. This is followed by a broadside collision at 20%, a sideswipe collision at 13%, a head-on collision at 5%, and a single-vehicle accident at 2%. 

The most common causes of the accidents were speeding, distracted driving, failure to yield, and driving under the influence. Los Angeles was the city with the most number of accidents followed by San Diego, San Francisco, and Sacramento.

California Accidents Today:

While the total number of accidents has reduced in California compared to 2021, it is still quite high. Nationwide Report contains news regarding these accidents that are updated on a daily basis. 

California Accidents Yesterday:

Nationwide Report makes sure that all accidents that have occurred in California as early as yesterday will be reported. You can take a look at any such report as you would like. 

California Accident Reports:

Every accident that has occurred in the state of California has a record of it on our website. You can take a look at it whenever you please. In case you are not able to find the records, you can make a request for one. 

California Accident FAQ

There are nearly 200,000 automobile accidents that result in injury in California every year. Statistics also indicate that California is responsible for around 10% of fatal crashes in the United States.

Personal injury law in California refers to the legal framework for imposing civil liability for injuries caused by the careless, reckless, or intentional acts or omissions of others.

A copy of the accident report can be obtained from law enforcement. If you were involved in a car accident and sustained injuries, it is important to get a copy as soon as possible to ensure all the information on record is correct.

After an accident, drivers in a no-fault state must file a claim with their own insurance company for the costs of their injuries, no matter who was actually responsible for the crash. The 12 no-fault states in the United States are Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Utah.

California is an at-fault state, which means the driver deemed responsible for the accident is liable for paying the costs of potential injuries and property damage sustained by other parties.

If you own and drive a vehicle, you must follow the financial responsibility laws in the state Vehicle Code. Liability coverage here helps pay for injuries or damage to others when you are responsible. The most common way to do this is to buy auto liability coverage. California requires drivers to carry the following minimum insurance limits for a standard auto policy

  • $15,000 for the death or injury of any one person. If one person is injured in the accident, your coverage pays up to $15,000.
  • A total of $30,000 for the death or injury of more than one person in any one accident. 

If any passenger is injured and requires medical assistance or the accident resulted in the death of an individual, it is highly recommended to involve an attorney.

Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose are the three Californian cities with the highest number of total motor vehicle accidents involving injuries or fatalities. This figure is based on the total number of accidents, not adjusted for population.